Healthy home & family

Do you live in a house of  germs?

Without even thinking about it, we come in contact with germs and bacteria every day in our household. The following are high risk places for getting exposed to germs and possible illnesses.

General health tips

1. Get appropriate vaccine
There is a vaccine that protects you against the common infections like measles, whooping cough or polia, most of which are served during early childhood. In case of flu, this vaccine must be taken annually but as there are several flu viruses, it only protects against the three most common ones. Vaccination is therefore only the first step in efficiently protecting yourself against the flu.


2. Wash your hands
A simple but unfortunately often overlooked rule; to avoid viruses from spreading, you should wash your hands thoroughly, especially after going to the bathroom. The most common entry points for viruses are the eyes, mouth and nose. Try to avoid touching your face with your hands especially after you have touched public objects such as door handles, keyboards or controls. You may also want to carry a hand sanitizer with you to further decrease the risk of infection.


3. Stay home if you are sick
Viruses are most commonly transferred from one human being to another. Physical contact or conversation can lead to germs spreading. When you start feeling the first symptoms of a disease and you conceive suspicion it might be an infectious one, stay home to avoid passing germs to others.


4. Eliminate germs
Viruses are the most resistant of germs and it is difficult to get rid of them once infection has occurred. The best way to avoid getting sick is to eliminate viruses before they even enter your body. Therefore it is important to regularly clean and disinfect your living environment to avoid germs from spreading.


5. Take care of your health
Your body will need to fight back when bacteria and viruses attack. Strengthening your body is essential in winning this battle. Following a balanced diet with vitamins (especially vitamin C), getting enough sleep and regular exercise provide your body with the energy needed to fight germs.

How to prevent allergies?

You know the scenario: a running nose or itchy eyes make it difficult to concentrate and constant sneezing disturbs not only you but also those around you. Apart from making it hard to concentrate, allergies can make you exposed to serious risks: a study by the Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (2002) has proven that people suffering from allergies have a 30 percent higher risk to cause car accidents.

The basic concept of an allergy is that our body reacts to a foreign particle and tries to fight it by displaying common allergy symptoms. An allergen is any substance that can cause allergy. Some of the most common ones to cause symptoms are pollen, animal hair and mites.

Eliminating mites, pollen and animal hair

Mites are living micro-organisms that can easily be observed under a microscope. One gram of dust contains up to 500 dust mites. These micro-organisms live in any kind of textile, such as pillows, bed covers or car seats. A mattress contains, on average, 10,000 to 100,000 dust mites. Mites can be found especially in places that are hard to reach and therefore not cleaned that often, such as in the folds and crevices of upholstered furniture or car seats. Same applies for animal hair and pollen. Eliminating potential causes for allergies is key to preventing and alleviating hypersensitivities.


Cyber Clean Car has been designed especially for cleaning the car interior and will help you eliminate dust, mites and germs found between the folds of the seats and all crack and crevices of your car’s interior.

How to clean and disinfect shoes?

When was the last time you cleaned and disinfected the inside of your shoes? If you wear closed shoes, such as standard business shoes, the answer is most probably ‘never’.

Using water to clean your shoes may damage them, shoe sprays only cover bad odors without actually cleaning the shoes and UV light systems simply kill germs without removing residues and dirt particles. Cleaning shoes from the inside helps fight illness-causing bacteria and prevent foot diseases such as athlete’s foot and fungal nails.

Bad odor is caused by bacteria

The common misbelief is that shoe odor is caused by sweat. It is actually bacteria within the shoes that create the typical bad odor. Dust and dirt can build up in the shoes, forming an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and fungus. Depending on the level of activity, the amount of sweat within the shoes can amount to 0.2 liters a day. This humidity combined with bacteria can be the cause of various foot illnesses such as athlete’s foot and fungal nails and bad odor in the shoes. Effectively eliminating bacteria and residues from within the shoes is the only way to significantly and permanently reduce shoe odors.

How to prevent bad odor and foot illnesses?

Starting your day with uncomfortable shoes or aching feet is never good. Here are a few tips on how to increase the well-being of your feet.


1. Clean your shoes regularly from the inside To protect your feet from chronic foot diseases, shoes should be cleaned regularly from the inside. Cyber Clean For Inside Shoes cleaning compound protects your feet against various diseases such as athlete’s foot and fungal nails by removing illness causing bacteria and fungal spores while leaving your shoes smelling fresh.

Whereas traditional sprays and hygiene products only cover the bad odors, Cyber Clean For Inside Shoes’ unique membrane composition effectively captures dirt as well as eliminates bacteria and fungal spores.


2. Regularly polish your shoes Use lotion to polish and condition your leather shoes; apply with a soft cloth. Suede shoes on the other hand look best when brushed. You might also want to use a protective spray to waterproof and stainproof your shoes from the outside.


3. Store your shoes in a fresh and dry place When not being used, make sure to store your shoes in an airy place. It is recommended not to wear the same pair for more than two consecutive days to allow the shoes to dry out completely.