Bacteria are made of a unique cell. Once entered inside a body, the bacteria will keep multiplying inside its host, causing infections that result in different illnesses. But not all bacteria are bad: some of them, such as the ones living in your intestines, are vital for your well-being and help your body to extract nutrients from food.
Bacteria in general have the ability to spread rapidly and contaminate your environment. They can survive on surfaces for longer periods of time. It is therefore essential that you regularly clean and disinfect your family’s living environment to prevent bacteria from spreading and eventually causing health problems.
Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and depend on their hosts to survive. However, most viruses can survive without a host long enough to spread from one host to another through surfaces or objects such as door handles or phone receivers.
Viruses attack cells, change their code and function and begin to multiply. They are the cause of a variety of diseases but are difficult to eliminate as antibiotics are inefficient against them. Viruses can easily hide in cracks and crevices or on uneven surfaces that are difficult to clean. Accredited laboratories have proven Cyber Clean’s ability to eliminate specific viruses. Learn more about how you can use Cyber Clean to disinfect hard to reach places and in turn prevent viruses from spreading. Also, keep in mind that human interaction is the most common transmitter of virus contamination: remember to wash your hands regularly and carry a hand sanitizer with you.
Fungi can sometimes be seen by the naked eye as it consists of several cells grouped together. Fungi’s composition is similar to those of plants. Even if fungi are less harmful than bacteria and viruses, these micro-organisms can still be the source of discomfort, itchiness and even infections.
Fungi love humidity and darkness and will therefore grow in places such as your bathtub, under your sink or inside your shoes. Avoiding fungi isn’t complicated: regularly disinfect your environment, especially places with high levels of humidity and always keep your body clean and dry.
Protozoa are parasites that cause extreme discomfort and infection. These microorganisms use contaminated water to develop and multiply. Tapeworm and roundworm are common examples of protozoa. Such parasites can live in your body unnoticed for years, with possibly harmful effects. While inside the body, the parasites will use the nutrients and energy of the host body to produce toxins that can be damaging to your health.
To prevent getting infected by these germs, you must make sure that water you use and drink is not contaminated.
Not all germs and bacteria are harmful but some can be extremely dangerous. Protecting yourself against germs is essential for your own comfort, health and well-being. Elderly people and children often run a higher risk of bacteria-caused infections but everyone can be at risk if proper precaution is not taken.
Most illnesses and discomfort could be avoided by following some simple advice:
Remember to wash your hands regularly, especially after going to the bathroom. Consider carrying a hand sanitizer with you to clean your hands.
Avoid contact with sick people and stay home if you feel unwell. Germs spread through physical contact; shaking hands with someone that has a cold can lead you to getting infected as well. Read more about how to prevent the flu.
Regularly clean your living environment. Be it at home or in the office, cleaning your immediate surroundings helps you fight bacteria and prevent illnesses from spreading. Avoid infections by regularly disinfecting surfaces that have a high potential of interactions, such as controllers, door knobs and keyboards. Cyber Clean is the most efficient method for cleaning objects and surfaces with hard to reach cracks and crevices that often harbor harmful bacteria.